vestale" (1807) opera Gaspare Spontini
Gaspare Luigi
Pacifico Spontini ( 1774 – 1851)
Jedna od opera sa
najvećim uticajem na druge kompozitore. Jedan italijanski kompozitor je uticao
na razvoj nacionalih opera Francuske, Nemačke i &
Spontini - La Vestale (on Period Instruments, Jérémie Rhorer)
"La vestale" opera
Gaspare Spontini na libreto Étienne de Jouy, u formi lirske-tragedije u tri
čina, premjera je bila 15.12.1807., u Académie Impériale de Musique (Paris Opera).
Julija, koja se zavetovala na
čednost, osuđena je da bude živa sahranjena nakon što je oskrnavila hram Veste.
Spašeno znakom od bogova, selo slavi ovaj ishod.
Vestalkin libreto su odbili
Mehul, Boaldje i Kerubini, pa ga je de Žuj predložio Spontiniju, koji je
prihvatio projekat i 1805. dovršio kompoziciju.
Sa Vestalkom, Spontini se
uspostavio kao Glukov naslednik. Njegova dela predstavljaju prelaz sa njegovog
klasicizma na velika herojska dela koja će karakterisati francusku veliku
operu 19. veka, anticipira dela Vagnera. Velika opera - nova sinteza između
monarhije i republike, između Ancien Regime i Revolucije, koju je Napoleon I
nastojao da postigne. Tema je velikog dramatičnog intenziteta, ali dozvoljava
razmještanje ogromne scenske liturgije, a rimske reference, sa orlovima,
skiptrima, vojnicima i trijumfalnim marševima, slažu se sa carskom simbolikom
po cijenu nekoliko anahronizama. Tako možemo transponovati lik Žozefine sa
Premijera opere doživela je veliki uspeh.
Glavne uloge tumačili su: Aleksandrin-Karolin Branšu (Julija) i Etjen Lene
(Licinije). Vestalka je ostala na repertoaru Pariske opere dugi niz godina
(1816. imala je 100. izvođenje, 1830. 200.), a brzo se proširila i na druge
scene (1810. – Brisel i Beč, 1811. – Berlin i Napulj, 1821., Milano La Scala
1822., Stokholmska kraljevska opera 1823., Varšava, 1824.,...,Drezden 1844.). Napuljska verzija, izvedena u italijanskom prevodu, postala je veoma
popularna; u drugoj polovini 19. i u 20. veku bila je najčešće izlagana. Poznati
izvođači časti Julije bili su m.in. Mari-Korneli Falkon, Izabela Kolbran, Roza
Ponsel, Marija Kanilja, Marija Kalas, Režin Krespin, Lejla Genser, Renata
Skoto, Monserat Kabale i Rajna Kabaivanska. Originalna (francuska) verzija se
vratila na scenu 1993., u La Skali.
vestale" (1807) opera by Gaspare Spontini
Gaspare Luigi
Pacifico Spontini (1774 – 1851)
One of the operas with the
greatest influence on other composers. An Italian composer influenced the development
of the national operas of France, Germany and &
La vestale is an opera composed
by Gaspare Spontini to a French libretto by Étienne de Jouy. It takes the form
of a tragédie lyrique in three acts. It was first performed on 15.12.1807., by
the Académie Impériale de Musique (Paris Opera).
Julia, having taken a vow of
chastity, is condemned to be buried alive after having desecrated the temple of
the Vesta. Saved by a sign from the gods, the village celebrates this outcome.
Vestalka's libretto was rejected
by Méhul, Boieldieu and Cherubini, so de Jouy proposed it to Spontini, who
accepted the project and in 1805., completed the composition.
With the Vestal, Spontini
established himself as Gluck's heir. His works represent the transition from
his classicism to the great heroic works that would come to characterize 19th
century French Grande opera, anticipates the works of Wagner. Grand opera - the
new synthesis between monarchy and republic, between the Ancien Régime and the
Revolution, which Napoleon I sought to achieve. The subject is of great dramatic intensity,
but allows the deployment of a vast scenic liturgy, and the Roman references,
with eagles, sceptres, soldiers and triumphal marches, agree with the imperial
symbolism at the cost of a few anachronisms. We can thus transpose the
character of Joséphine with that of Julia.
The premiere of the opera was a great success.
The main roles were played by: Alexandrine-Caroline Branchu (Julia) and Étienne
Lainé (Licinius). The Vestal remained in the repertoire of the Paris Opera for
many years (she had her 100th performance in 1816, 200th in 1830), and quickly
spread to other stages (1810 - Brussels and Vienna, 1811 - Berlin and Naples,
1821., Milan's La Scala 1822., Stockholm
Kungliga Operan 1823., Warsaw, 1824.,..., 1844., - Dresden). The Neapolitan
version, staged in Italian translation, became very popular; in the second half
of the 19th century and in the 20th century it was the most frequently
exhibited. Famous performers of the part of Julia were m.in. Marie-Cornélie
Falcon, Isabella Colbran, Rosa Ponselle, Maria Caniglia, Maria Callas, Régine
Crespin, Leyla Gencer, Renata Scotto, Montserrat Caballé, and Rajna
Kabaiwanska. The original (French) version returned to the stage in 1993., at La
Zoran Stokić
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